So yes.
Obviously I'm going to talk about Hindi.
As shocking as it may sound,Hindi was one of my favourite subjects till the 10th.
I don't know why I liked it so much,but well I just did.
Oh and yes,I'm a shameless girl because even though I did love Hindi,I didn't quite know the varnamala by heart :|
Sucks right?
I mean look at us.
We're all Indians,we live in this country but we don't bother ourselves with the language of the land,our Rashtriyabhasha - Hindi.
For the uneducated lot - Article 343 of the constitution says :
Sangh ki rajbhasha Hindi aur lipi Devnagri hai.
[Gah. I won't lie,I only know because I read it for my Hindi paper.]
So this girl who used to love Hindi completely forgets about the existence of the language.
Then,she enters college.
She knows she has Hindi as a qualifying subject,but she doesn't attend any classes except for the first Hindi Lecture ever.Seeing the freaky teacher and sensing the weird -OMG-you-are-so-totally-not-funny!- vibes emanating from him,she decides never to go back and attend the class.
Then,the university exams approach.
Still doesn't hit her.
10th April 2010 - She's all casual,"Haan yaar,Hindi hi toh hai!".
Obviously she doesn't study on the 10th,and gladly wastes the day.
11th April - Lets start with Vyakaran - gets over in an hour.
Later through the day - OMG I need to get a 20/50 in Hindi,I need to pass! - Starts freaking out. Calls a few people,relieved,chills out - watches weird movies and all.
12th April - Meets friends in college - OMG I'm so not passing! I'll have to give it again next year! Oh no!
Gives exam,attempts every question,writes some crap except for the vyakaran bit,submits her paper while collection and comes out,beaming.
OMG! I might just pass after all.
So my point is,why did this happen?
Why are we so weird?
Why can't we just love our national language,respect it and stop being jerks?!
Why do we judge people who study in Hindi Medium schools and opt for Hindi Honours?
Why do we hate our Hindi teachers in school?
Why would we rather talk and write in English?
Why do we remember the alphabets by heart but not the varnamala?
This language helped us quite a it during the Independence struggle. [Okay,I know you're probably laughing now,but just read alright?] We all take that for granted you know,we don't bother to actually imagine and understand the enormity of it all.
We're too cool,right?
All I'm saying is that my University Hindi paper made me understand what HINDI is to our country and how we should preserve the language because its an important part of our culture.
All the young ones today,loathe and detest Hindi,why?
Its not so bad,come on.
Its a fun language,with big funny sounding words =)
We must respect the language.
That's something all of us can do,and so we should. =)
Loved this! It was fun to read and... to the point! Agreed, we do tend to 1) take it for granted
2) loathe it
3) prefer english-we're soooo khool!
4) but then this national language part would be a bit ... romba too much for the non-hindi folk (and i guess you didn't mean it for them :P)
5) we'd actually stick to Indian English and not speak in hindi which you might even know better!
PS-MS PAINT rules!
Haha yes behen.
I wrote it in a very general mannner because I wanted the post to be as non-controversial as possible. :)
Oh and hell yes,Paint rules man :D
Indian English yes,google this poem by Nissim Ezekiel - Farewell party for Miss Pushpa T S.
Down here in South Hindi is the shit.
@ Sourabh : Just for saying that,I think I love you :P
*wide grin*
I kinda miss the language. Watched Sholay just so I could listen to it.
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