Friday, 16 April 2010

Dear Blog.

Thank you for being with me in this tough time.
This horrible time when there are a million distractions and I have absolutely nothing to remind me to study for my mains.
I feel like writing something you know,obviously now,that tends to happen more during exams than at any other time of the year,but then again I feel like my creative juices have dried up,which is another reason why I'm feeling so sick about my paper on the 21st.
So yes,help needed.
In any case,I know you'll be there with me,no matter what right?
Feels good.
And having said that now,I'm gonna shut everything and go study.

In the meanwhile,if people do happen to see this post meant only for my dear blog,you could do by commenting,letting me know what I should do to just get my ass down to studying or suggest topics on which I can write and post for the general advantage of all.

Okay,final now.

Also,just in case you didn't realize,it feels HORRIBLE to have lost readers.
Please come back yo!


Sharmada said...

GO STUDY :) It'll be over soon (yes its easier said than done and I should know after having been through 22/3-7/4 :P About stuff you should write on-will let you know ASAP!

Radhika Saxena said...

That's the thing na,you always feel like wasting time when you know there's barely anytime to waste :D

Though I shouldn't be so happy about it after all :P

Okay,I shall shut up now.